Summer break is off to a great start. Chris and I both took the day off on Friday to celebrate the beginning of summer break and end of first grade with Cadence. We had to make a quick detour on our path to celebration to take Gabriel to the hospital for a chest x-ray, but even that was fun. The x-ray techs at the hospital were great with Gabriel and, when I made
a half-joking comment about how I should take a picture of Gabriel and Chris in their matching purple paisley lead aprons, they totally agreed and even tuned lights on so I could get a better shot. After the x-ray, Gabriel and Cadence (for being a good waiter) each got to pick out three stickers.
After we finished at the hospital we stopped by "the place with the cherry" (aka Bruster's) and picked up some ice cream before heading to our neighborhood pool for our first swim of the season... and Liam's first swim EVER. The kids all had a great time and we swam for over three hours. Unfortunately, we did not reapply our SPF 100 sunblock. The kids are fine, but Chris and I (mostly Chris) are a bit toasty.
After swimming, we took the kids to the
Runway Cafe at the Greenville Downtown Airport. I highly recommend it! The staff is friendly, the food is great and the kids get to watch the planes land and take off right from their table. Dinner and a show!
On Saturday, Renee, one of my friends from synchronized swimming came over with her family for dinner. Their kids are the same ages and genders as our kids. After they warmed up to each other they had a great time playing. We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and the big kids played outside with the sprinkler. Liam and Caleb are only three days apart and they played together in the floor.

It has been nice having a three-day weekend where we don't have commitments planned every few hours. Today we have Cadence's end-of-the-season soccer party. Tomorrow Chris and I are back to work and the kids will be back at daycare. Cadence is really looking forward to it though because the daycare has field trips planned almost every day of summer vacation. Cadence LOVES field trips.
I think I'll give her at least a week before I drop the "summer reading list" bomb on her. ;)