
Our family is growing by two feet!!!

The Hall~Smith family is excited to announce that we will be growing by two feet!!! After a few months of trying, I found out that I was pregnant on Monday afternoon. The digital test originally said "Not Pregnant" but I took two regular tests and they both had two lines. I took another digital test a day later and ta-da!!!
I told Chris on Monday night. He's still beaming!!!

Baby Hall is due on November 19th - just in time for the holidays. The timing is perfect. I wanted to find out I was pregnant and deliver in the same year due to our not-so-awesome insurance. Also I will only be 22 weeks or so at my sister's wedding in July. A mid-November baby will also make my maternity leave fall over the holiday season, which is exciting for me. :)

We have an appointment with a new ob-gyn next Wednesday (St. Patrick's Day). I am glad that we are trying a different doctor with this baby. I used the same practice with both of my first kids and they had so many doctors that I don't think anyone really knew who I was. They were nice and very professional but I felt like I was traveling down a conveyor belt in the baby factory. I am hoping to find a more personal experience with this doctor. My best friend used him and she seemed to like him a lot and he is the only doctor in his practice (which is a definite plus). *fingers crossed*


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