On June 13, 1846 the "Creole" landed in New York City. On board were Nicholas Schauss and his wife Christina as well as several of their children. Nicholas and Christina were my great, great, great grandparents. Their five-year-old son, Philipp, was my great, great grandfather. Here is the page from the passenger manifest that lists them (they are about half way down):
Christina Schaus died on September 26, 1881 at the age of 76 years. Here is her death certificate:

Nicholas Schauss died on August 4, 1886 at the age of 88 years. I thought that this was a pretty impressively long life for someone during that time. Here is his death certificate:

Philip S. Schaus married twice. His second wife, Hannah, is pictured here with him in this undated photograph:

I visited the homestead of Philip Schaus when I was 12 or so years old on a trip to Canada with my parents. Even at the age of 12 I was able to appreciate the history and had a great time.

When my dad went back a few weeks ago, this is what remained of the house:

Evidently the property has been sold and the house was being torn down and relocated to some property that is still owned by the family. Perhaps someday Chris and I can take our kids and show them the new site for this very old piece of family history.
How neat!
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