First of all, thank you to all of you that have called over the last few days to check on Chris. It is so wonderful to witness the outpouring of concern from our friends and family. I picked up Skye's remains from the vet's office the other day. The box is beautiful. It is dark wood with carved flowers all over the top. As I took the box and Skye's collar upstairs the other night, her collar jingled, and Blue barked quietly. She knew that sound and acknowledged it. It was a very sad yet sweet moment.
In happier news, Liam is two months old today. I can't believe it. He is going to the doctor tomorrow for his check up and his first shots. A few weeks ago, we made the decision to switch the kids over from their pediatrician's office to the family doctor that delivered Liam. We really love Dr. Stafford and think it is a better fit. He supports our decision to follow Dr. Sears Alternative Vaccination Schedule for Liam and that was very important to us. I am anxious to see how much Liam weighs and how long he is. The "little" guy is already wearing 6-9 month clothes!
I will update again after the doctor's appointment.
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