
Mother's Day, Gabriel's Birthday, Greek Festival and AWOL Trees

Once again, I have been a slack little blogger. Things have been crazy with the end of school year. I spent a day last week volunteering for Cadence's Field Day. She has three days left before she finishes first grade. I can't believe how big she is. She is excited for summer to start so she can go to Precious Jewels and go on field trips almost daily. She is also looking forward to helping me take care of "Minnie Me" the school's parrotlet. Although, normally a very gentle breed, this particular bird has never been handled so we may be in for an interesting summer.

Mother's Day was nice. Chris made me breakfast. The kids got me and orchid and a card. We spent the day at my mom's house. Chris played pool with Jerry and mom and I hung out with the kiddos. It was pretty low key.

As a Mother's Day present for Chris's mom and a birthday present for Chris's dad, he and his brothers got them a private box at the Greenville Drive game a few weeks ago. They were able to invite 24 friends to watch the game.

Despite the fact that the poor Drive got pummeled, we all had a great time. We were all impressed with how much of the game Cadence and Gabriel sat and watched.

Of course they would come into the box when food arrived. They had fun hanging out in the big comfy chair.

The following weekend was Gabriel's fourth birthday. We celebrated it at Giggle Bugs in Simpsonville. If you have never been, I highly recommend it. It is less chaotic than Pump It Up, Jump Zone or Monkey Joe's and a fraction of the cost. He had a great time.

Last weekend we packed the kids up and headed downtown for the Greek Festival. I love that Greenville has so many amazing festivals. The Greek Festival is definitely one of my favorites. It was pretty warm out and William slept in the stroller almost the entire time.

Gabriel and Cadence had a great time riding the rides and then later chowing down on pizza, french fries and baklava sundaes.

Chris was wonderful. The poor guy stood in line for 30 minutes to get us some gyros. They were amazing!!

Finally, I can't end this post without saying something about my poor trees. The property on the left portion of the picture (the sloping hill) is the top of our yard. The big hole in the ground just before the tree was where one of my leyland cypress trees was planted. Yesterday morning I went out into the yard to find that all five of my trees had been pulled. Seriously!?! Who steals trees!!!???!!!

I spoke to the neighbors and no one knows what happened. I don't know what to believe. I know that we are going to get more trees. Bigger, harder to pull trees. Ugh. :-/


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