
Mommy's New School Year Resolutions

August marks the beginning of a new school year and School Year Resolution time for me. This school year I have some big resolutions.

I resolve to log my at-home hours before school instead of after it which means 4:30 a.m. alarm clocks and 9:00 p.m. bedtimes. It also means more free time in the afternoons. Sure, I'll still have the occasional phone call or email that needs an immediate response, but for the most part, I'll have more time to help Cadence with her homework.

I resolve to work with Gabriel to ensure that he is ready (maybe even ahead?) for kindergarten next year. I resolve to read more to the kids.

I resolve to plan ahead. This means making meals on the weekends and freezing them for during the week. It means packing school lunches the night before and making sure book bags and school projects are ready to go before bed in order to avoid a little voice from the back seat crying, "Oh no, Mommy! My is at the house!" as I'm about to let her out of the van in front of the school.

I resolve to speak less and listen more to my kids. I resolve to not yell so much. I hate yelling at them.

I resolve to get Cadence involved in an after school music program of some sort. She loves music and we really need to encourage that love.

I resolve to fit some me time in there.... somewhere.


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