
Mommy on a Mission (Trip)

It seems like I'm always on some sort of mission - a mission to be a "super mom", a mission to run a half marathon, a mission to get the kids to soccer practice on time, a mission to be a successful professional, etc.  There's always something going on.  Through all of the commotion and chaos of life, I sometimes forget to slow down and listen to the most important mission.  It is not the ones that I create for myself or for my family, but the one that God has created for me.  Its a lifelong mission full of laughter, tears and surprises.  I don't know all of the details of the mission He has created for me, but I know that there is one and try to listen when He give me hints. 

About a year ago, my neighbor and friend told me about her mission trip to Haiti.  I was immediately interested.  It was if someone said "Go.  Do that.  Help them."  From that point on, I knew that I wanted to be part of that mission.  On July 7th, I'm going to Jacmel, Haiti with a group from LifeSong Church in Lyman for a week.  We will be working with an organization called Restore Haiti.  The group that I'll be travelling with will be bringing new bras (in all sizes) and gently used, modest dresses to the women there to wear to church (many women do not attend church if they do not have a dress as they feel embarassed).  We will also have the opportunity to work on construction projects, assist in the food clinic and spend time with the people there.  I am looking forward to the trip and for the opportunity to contribute something to these people.

I will miss my family.  They are supportive of  my upcoming trip and Cadence wants to come along (maybe someday).  It will be hard to leave them, but I know that Chris is very capable of holding down the fort while I'm gone.

The cost of my trip is approximately $1,350.00.  Our group will be holding several fund raisers (so watch for news about those!), but ultimately the responsibility for the cost rests with each of us going on the trip.  I ask that you please keep me in your prayers as I prepare for this trip.  If you are able and would like to make a tax deductible contribution to the cost, please let me know and I'll provide you the information.

If you'd like to check out the information on the organization that we will be working with, you can visit their website here.


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