Yesterday was Chris's 34th birthday.
The celebration began on Saturday night when he and I went out for dinner at Saskatoon's. We had planned on going to see a movie as well but we took our time and chatted at dinner. By the time we realized it, we had been there for over two hours. I gave him everything he needed to brew his own beer as his big birthday present as a birthday/anniversary/Valentine's Day present in February. Saturday night I gave him another present - a few pictures that my amazing photographer friend Anna took of me, many of which also featured the other love in his life - his guitar. I am not the type of girl that gets dolled up very often, and I'm usually the one taking the pictures, so he really seemed to like them.
Yesterday Chris had the day off. He spent the morning bottling a batch of home brew and had lunch with his parents. Yesterday evening we took the kids out to TGIFriday's to celebrate. It was free kid night and we also had a coupon for a free appetizer, which I had as my entree. So we ended up feeding four people for the price of one. Yay! We got home and Chris opened his present from the kids - gym shorts (as requested by Chris) and a new tie.
We had intended on baking Chris's birthday cookies that night, but it was too late. They are in the oven as I am typing this. Here they are in dough form:
I also had one last present to give him this evening. It is a jar that contains 366 reasons why I love him. Beginning today, he'll open one each day until his next birthday. The jar originally contained 365 but then I quickly realized next year is a leap year and had to come up with one more. ;)
All in all, I think that Chris had a pretty good birthday. I know that we all enjoyed celebrating it with him! We love you, sweetheart!
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