Cadence and Gabriel remained in Greenville as it was their weekend to visit their Nanny and Papa. We felt bad that we were not able to make it to Cadence's Fairy Tale Parade, but we had to head out early Friday morning. She looked amazing in her Snow White costume though and, per the usual, was such a little princess. She had a blast with her parade and totally understood our absence.
Chris was very excited to see his Papa and to introduce him to Liam. We had a wonderful time visiting and I was able to snap this picture of the three of them. I think they all look very similar. They definitely all have the same bright blue eyes.
Liam did VERY well during the trip. He slept like a champ and even tested out his soon-to-be little cousin's travel swing for her. The few times he became fussy, I tossed him into his sling and carried him around. He spent the majority of Friday night knocked out with his hand clenched to the side of the carrier. It was too cute.
We made the drive in about 11 hours each way. It definitely took longer with the Liam but, as I said before, he really handled it well. He only fussed a few times and was happy to just go through his cycle of sleep, eat, play and "talk."
It is nice to know that, at least for the time being, it appears that he travels well.
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