
Synthetic Wine Cork Soap Dish

I have several synthetic wine corks left over after making my wine cork wreath a few weeks ago so I've been trying to think of projects for them. We ran out of liquid soap in our downstairs bathroom last night. I have tons of bar soap from couponing, so I decided we'd just start using that downstairs. The problem? I didn't have an extra soap dish. I didn't want the counter to get slimy so I decided I would make one. My synthetic wine cork pile was calling me. They were perfect! Since they weren't made of real cork, they wouldn't get soap residue stuck in their grooves nor would they absorb the water from the soap.

I glued the corks together using super glue gel and then ran a bead of hot glue in each crevasse on the bottom side of the dish. Viola!

Three Small Things

I have been trying something out lately to help keep from feeling overwhelmed all of the time and it seems to be working. Each morning, I create a list of three things that I want to accomplish that day. Only three. If I happen to do more than that, well, fabulous but it isn't mandatory. By creating a small list, I feel accomplished by the end of the day knowing that my list is finished. Also, it keeps me working. If I don't have a list and I'm feeling overwhelmed, I tend to ignore what I need to do. But, with a list, I feel like I have to do those things.

Yesterday, my things were: wash diapers, tidy the bathroom counter and tub (Liam throws everything he can find into the garden tub in our bathroom) and send out an email to my seminar committee. My three things covered three different aspects of my life: my kids, my household and my profession.

Today is Saturday so I am not focusing on my profession. My list for today is: go on a walk or do some activity with the family, clean out the garage and tidy the kitchen/dining area and living room. This morning we enjoyed a great walk with the kids. Cadence and Gabriel are getting very good on their bikes and Cadence ended up way ahead! After that, Liam went down for a nap. I put together some shelves I got on Craigslist and totally organized the garage. It looks great! I still have to tidy inside, but I'm on my way to finishing off today's list. :)

"Mommy, why were people like that?"

That was the question that I received this morning from my bright-eyed eight-year-old daugther while quizzing her for her social studies quiz. They are discussing regions, specifically the Northeast and the South. When I asked her to tell me about Alabama, she mentioned Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. I asked if she knew what they did. She gave a very good description of Rosa Parks' famous bus ride and she told me that Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted black and white children to be able to play together. Then she asked me why they weren't allowed to in the first place. I closed my laptop, looked at her and tried my hardest to explain something so disgusting as racisim so that my innocent eight-year-old daughter would understand it but not be overwhelmed by it. She paused for a moment to process it all and almost whispered "Mommy, why were people like that?" I was honestly able to tell her that I didn't know and that it was a very sad time for this country. She paused and thought again. She asked "What would have happened if Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks never lived? How would it be now?" Then, before I could answer, she said, "You know how sometimes a white mommy has a brown baby? What would happen to them?" Cadence has several bi-racial friends and, suddenly, she became very concerned for them. I explained some of the hardships that would have faced bi-racial couples and their children in the Civil Rights era but I assured her that things are a lot better now. Not perfect, but better. I didn't want to give her the idea that the world was perfect, because it isn't. But I also didn't want her to worry about it constantly. Then Gabriel, who had been listening intently, piped up and said, "Mommy, what am I?" I smiled and hugged him and said, "You are Gabe and that is all that really matters."

After that we watched portions of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech on You Tube and talked about the importance of not judging a person "by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." We also disussed the kids' racial background a bit because they were curious but they ultimately agreed that what they see on the outside doesn't have anything to do with what is on the inside.

That was definitely more than I had planned on doing before breakfast, but I'm glad we had the talk.

I Have a Secret...

I have a secret. You can't tell anyone, okay? Not ANYONE! Especially not someone that will tell my children. Are you ready....? Are you sure? Ok.

We are taking the kids on a surprise trip to Disney World!!!

Provided we do not have a snow day between now and March 9th, Cadence has a long weekend from March 9th through the 12th. We aren't going to tell them until we are ready to leave. We are going to wake them up, drive them to the airport and hop on a plane to Orlando. I'm so excited! It is going to be a very quick trip and we'll only spend two days in the parks (one at Magic Kingdom and one at Epcot). We're planning the trip pretty last minute, but we managed to book a character dining meal on Sunday at Epcot.

Also, we were able to book airfare for all five of us for $338.33! OMG!!! I love a great deal, so I couldn't turn that down. We also scored an amazing deal on our room so we couldn't say no.

We are looking forward to the trip and hope to visit with some friends and family while we are down there too!

Now remember, it's a secret. You can't tell anyone.... ;)

Making the Most of a Rainy Saturday

I was going to try to squeeze all of this into a Facebook status update, but I couldn't so I figured I take a minute to blog. :)

Today is the type of day that makes the whole craziness of the week totally worth it. We had an awesome Saturday with minimal fighting, complaining or general craziness from the kiddos. :)

Cadence had a friend spend the night last night. We took the kids out to dinner and then watched a movie. This morning I made whole wheat waffles for breakfast. They gobbled up two helpings each (I didn't tell them how healthy they were). I always use this recipe but sub 1/2 of the flour for whole wheat flour and then add about 2 tablespoons of wheat germ. Sooo tasty!

After breakfast, Cadence's friend went home and I headed off to the gym. It was very difficult to do since it was so rainy out. I just wanted to curl up in bed. But if I'm going to survive the Tough Mudder later this year, than I need to keep up my routine.

After my workout and shower, Chris and I took the kids to Everyday Organics for lunch. The food and service there is amazing! I highly recommend it. Everything in the restaurant is organic so there's no need to wonder about what is in your food.

Cadence, Gabriel and Chris went for hair cuts with Grace and Liam and I went grocery shopping at Earth Fare. Later the whole family went geocaching together for the first time. Cadence and I had been with Christy and her kids but this was Chris and Gabriel's first time. We had a blast and found three geocaches. For those of you that don't know what geocaching is, check it out. It's a lot of fun, it's free and it helps bring your children closer to nature. Everybody wins!

After that we hit Walmart for a few things that we don't buy organic and headed home for dinner and another movie. Congrats if you made it this far through my post. It was a great day and we are only half way through the weekend!!