Yesterday, my things were: wash diapers, tidy the bathroom counter and tub (Liam throws everything he can find into the garden tub in our bathroom) and send out an email to my seminar committee. My three things covered three different aspects of my life: my kids, my household and my profession.
Today is Saturday so I am not focusing on my profession. My list for today is: go on a walk or do some activity with the family, clean out the garage and tidy the kitchen/dining area and living room. This morning we enjoyed a great walk with the kids. Cadence and Gabriel are getting very good on their bikes and Cadence ended up way ahead! After that, Liam went down for a nap. I put together some shelves I got on Craigslist and totally organized the garage. It looks great! I still have to tidy inside, but I'm on my way to finishing off today's list. :)
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