
Making the Most of a Rainy Saturday

I was going to try to squeeze all of this into a Facebook status update, but I couldn't so I figured I take a minute to blog. :)

Today is the type of day that makes the whole craziness of the week totally worth it. We had an awesome Saturday with minimal fighting, complaining or general craziness from the kiddos. :)

Cadence had a friend spend the night last night. We took the kids out to dinner and then watched a movie. This morning I made whole wheat waffles for breakfast. They gobbled up two helpings each (I didn't tell them how healthy they were). I always use this recipe but sub 1/2 of the flour for whole wheat flour and then add about 2 tablespoons of wheat germ. Sooo tasty!

After breakfast, Cadence's friend went home and I headed off to the gym. It was very difficult to do since it was so rainy out. I just wanted to curl up in bed. But if I'm going to survive the Tough Mudder later this year, than I need to keep up my routine.

After my workout and shower, Chris and I took the kids to Everyday Organics for lunch. The food and service there is amazing! I highly recommend it. Everything in the restaurant is organic so there's no need to wonder about what is in your food.

Cadence, Gabriel and Chris went for hair cuts with Grace and Liam and I went grocery shopping at Earth Fare. Later the whole family went geocaching together for the first time. Cadence and I had been with Christy and her kids but this was Chris and Gabriel's first time. We had a blast and found three geocaches. For those of you that don't know what geocaching is, check it out. It's a lot of fun, it's free and it helps bring your children closer to nature. Everybody wins!

After that we hit Walmart for a few things that we don't buy organic and headed home for dinner and another movie. Congrats if you made it this far through my post. It was a great day and we are only half way through the weekend!!


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